Thursday*: 7am-8pm
Mon, Tues*: 7am-8pm, Wed: 3pm-8pm, Thu*: 7am-8pm, Fri*: 7am-1pm, 3pm-8pm, Sat: 9am-4pm, Sun: 12pm-4pm, *Surgery Drop-Off 7am
1416 S Duff Ave, Ames, IA 50010 | Call or text (515) 232-7204 Email
Vaccinating your pet protects everyone, including the other members of your family. Some vaccinations are given shortly after birth and others are administered every one to three years to keep your pet protected and safe.
Vaccines can be broken into two categories; core vaccines and lifestyle vaccines. Check out our vaccine knowledge base below:
These are the vaccines we recommend every dog (or puppy) receives (annually) to ensure they and your family are kept safe. AAHA vaccine guidelines consider the following vaccines core:
Cats need to be vaccinated just as much as other pets. Core vaccines are recommended for all cats to protect against diseases that are commonly found in the environment. That means there is a realistic risk of exposure, infection, and the development of a disease (this is particularly the case with kittens). The following vaccines are considered core:
Non-core vaccines are recommended for those individuals who are at risk for exposure to certain infectious agents. An example would be recommending Lyme vaccine for a pet that has had tick (which are known to transmit Lyme disease) infestation in the past or frequents areas that are known tick habitats. AAHA vaccine guidelines consider the following vaccines as non-core:
Non-core vaccines are recommended for those individuals who are at risk for exposure to certain infectious agents. The following vaccines are considered noncore:
On rare occasions, some animals may react to a vaccine. This could cause a low-grade fever, muscle aches, or less commonly more severe reactions such as diarrhea, vomiting, anaphylaxis or death. It is more common in young and toy breed dogs and may manifest as a decrease in appetite or increased sleepiness for a day or two. Some components that may produce a strong reaction can be left out of future vaccines. If your pet has had a vaccine reaction in the past don’t skip future vaccinations, but do discuss it with us so that we can prevent a recurrence.
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